Everything About Air Shower System

An air shower system is something common to find at the major entrance of any cleanroom. They deliver that so-called protection layer to clean the passers-by of any possible contaminants before they enter the premises. Next time, you can even answer when someone asks you what it is! Shower air or air shower blower helps to remove any possible dust or unwanted foreign particles before they get inside the building. Let us understand everything about air shower systems in detail to learn what role they play in several industries. By the way, have you heard of a filter air shower?

air shower system

  • filter air shower
  • shower air
  • air shower blower

Table of Contents

How does the air shower system work?

The air shower system functions by bowing all clean air on the workers at a great speed. With the help of adjustable nozzles, the air blows in the passers-by. It helps to clear dust and any other skin contaminants from the clothes. They are blown away due to the speedy air shower and deposited onto the filter.

The individual is free from any unwanted dust particles that would have harmed their work or hygiene when carried to their workspace. This air blows for a few seconds; the person has to wait until it is over, and then they can enter the premises. You will see them being used most in the cleanroom.

What is the importance of air showers?

The role of air showers can never be ignored if you intend to keep the cleanroom free of any impurities, germs and dust which can solely contaminate your work area. You definitely don’t want to spend money on any costly mistakes that generally happen when these dust enters your cleanroom. Maintenance of your cleanroom is also possible through it as it helps to arrest the accumulation of these unwanted particles. In case some dust is still entering the area, you will see that the cleaning of the same does not demand frequent cleaning. You must be surprised! The filters also work in a better way due to this as the pressure on them is less and hence can render more efficiency.

Structure of an air shower

You can broadly divide the air shower system into multiple parts. To name the main parts, you can start with:

  • Body controller
  • Filter system (HEPA filter)
  • Interlocked doors
  • Centrifugal blower
  • Controller

Let’s start with the explanation of the whole air shower system:

Filter System: HEPA H13, H14 etc and more high-efficiency filters are there in it that provide 99.99% efficiency at 0.3 microns. The presence of a pre-filter (G4) is optional.

Body: The power of this air shower filter is made of cold rolled, powder-coated steel and, in some cases, stainless steel. Stainless steel SUS304 is the material with which this chamber is designed in 1.0mm thickness.

Controller: You can adjust the time varying from straight 0 to 99 seconds. You can get it with an advanced level of high-tech integrated circuit board.

Blower: You will find two blowers that emit air showers in large quantities from both sides. It has 9 sets of stainless steel nozzles with a power of 0.55KW/unit to render the needed shower effect. The air velocity in it remains ≥22-25 m/s.

Door: The doors of this system come with a predesigned interlock system, and how can you miss those best-quality door closers?

Wrapping up

Choose the air shower system whose nozzles are even spaced and adjustable to a great extent. Buy only the one made of stainless steel, which has the features to be cleaned easily. It should not be reactive towards chemicals. Choosing modular ones is also a good idea!

Kindly contact us for any requirements or query.


What are the advantages one can enjoy with an air shower system?

Air showers are known to push HEPA-filtered air high-velocity jets that help to arrest dust from the environment and people before they manage to enter the cleanroom. It leads to the entry of only cleaner air into the cleanroom, resulting in controlled defects in products and improved production yields.

Name different types of air showers.

Geometrically, there are several types of air showers, like:

  • Three-door air showers
  • Tunnel
  • U-shaped
  • L-shaped
  • Single door
  • Cart

Describe the role of air showers in any food industry.

Air showers allow no dust particles to accumulate and can be restricted from entering the cleanroom so that the food industry stays away from any possible contamination. 

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